Middle eartth Collectible Card Game (MECCG) Unofficial new card

I have made artworks for the unofficial Dream cards expansions of Middle Earth Collectible Card Game this summer and I will illustrate some more in the near future.

If you don't know this amazing card game and love the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien I suggest you to take a look here.

If you know the game and have played or still play, you can take a look at the dream cards created by Thorsten the Traveller and Vastor Peredhil

The man in the interview below is one of the creators of MECCG, Rolemaster, MERP (MIddle-Earth Role Playing), and a co-founder of Iron Crown Enterprises.

Artworks made for HARP Beyond The Veil by ICE


I can finally show the five artworks I did in 2020 for the new book Beyond The Veil of the Roleplaying game HARP From Iron Crown Enterprises.


This is the records of the deads and alives of my characters that I played and STILL play in MERP.

  • Crumblepot: Scout (THIEF), Hobbit - lvl 3 (R.I.P)

    When Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin arrived at The Shire after the ring was destroyed, Crumblepot and others hobbits tried to stop them to enter and ruins the plan of Saruman. While fighting Frodo, Crumblepot was killed tramped by a pony ridden by a fellow hobbit who was going toward Frodo to crush him.

  • Simonak: Warrior, Dwarf - lvl 1 (R.I.P)

    Simonak was brutally killed by orcs up the stairs of a wine cellar. Also before the combat, He was cursed by the Valar Ulmo because after exploring the wine cellar, he discovered a secret sacred place behind a big fake barrel and destroyed a statue of the altar for Ulmo.

  • Aphadon: Ranger, Half Elf - Lvl 1

    Currently alive and don’t want to die.

Life in Middle-Earth is not restful when you soak in the blood and sweat of orcs all days....
— Balin, Lord of Moria

Call Of Cthulhu: When fear of blood and murderous frenzy coexist.

Mi-go, a creature from the Cthulhu Mythos

Mi-go, a creature from the Cthulhu Mythos

My last game of Call of Cthulhu as a keeper was really fun. I initiated two of my old friends to play this wonderful game by Chaosium Inc.

For one of them, tabletop RPGs were a new thing. We had a great time together. It was a challenge to create a story really scary with people who are accustomed to horror & gore theme since young years.

One of the strong parts of the session was when my players saw a cultist very badly mutilated in a corner of a room, they loosed enough sanity points at the same time and had a bout of madness. The first player, Trevor by his character name, exploded in a spree of uncontrolled violence and destruction directed at the cultist, butchering him with a knife.

Marc, the second character, developed a fear of blood for 8 hours... When he saw the cultist mutilated, he started to run in terror and screaming while Trevor continued stabbing the remains of the poor cultist.

Zoog, a creature from the Cthulhu Mythos

Zoog, a creature from the Cthulhu Mythos

After the insane violence fury that Trevor went through, he went after his terrorized friend Marc to try to calm him down, covered in blood head to toes and ignoring that his friend had developed a phobia of seeing bloodfor 8 hours! This scene was memorable and really special. My players and I really liked it.

Will their character die or become insane next time? We will find out next session.

Thank you Howard Phillip Lovecraft for creating an amazing mythos and thank you Chaosium Inc.